Current projects include research and technical assistance we are performing on a range of topics relevant to the policy and management of urban forests. Not seeing the project you are looking for? Click ALL PROJECTS

Recycling Stormwater With a Tree-Based Bioretention System
Stormwater runoff is major problem for people and the environment in urban areas. We are investigating a stormwater bioretention system that captures runoff from impervious surfaces and uses trees to recycle the water back to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. Learn more.

Urban Reforestation after a Natural Disaster
Natural disasters often leave communities with widespread destruction and significant tree loss. This project examines how a 2011 tornado impacted tree loss and recovery in a small southwest Virginia community. Learn More.

Surveys and focus groups to understand perceptions of the urban forestry profession to move urban forestry forward through a consensus-building process among regional organizations and stakeholders. Learn more.

The purpose of this project is to assess the growth of tree canopy on previously developed parcels in Fairfax County to determine if they have met their 10-year-post-development tree canopy cover requirements. Learn more.